Hybrid-Compact Courses

Hybrid-Compact Course Options, Too!

You know how traditional courses work.  You know how full semester online courses work.  Here’s how Hybrid and Compact courses work.

Hybrid Courses

Child Development courses are taught in a hybrid manner meaning a course meets half the semester in-class and the other half of the course is online.

Students can take one course or students can take two alternating courses

For Example: CHD 100 and CHD 204 are scheduled same campus, same day, same classroom, and same time.  (NOTE:  ALL CHD hybrid courses begin at 5:15 p.m.)

Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4
CHD 100 In-Class On-Line In-Class On-Line
CHD 204 On-Line In-Class On-Line In-Class

Online Compact Courses

For an organized, driven student who would like to successfully complete courses online in half the time.  A compact course has the content and workload of a full semester course in a half semester.

A Semester
Session 1 – First half of semester Session 2 – Second half of semester
CHD 100 CHD 204
CHD 206 CHD 209

Do know all courses are on a campus-online rotation so you will want to take courses when they are available in the way you want!

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