Estimated Costs for Program

Estimated Cost for the Radiologic Technology Program
RAD Tech Cost Page
Prerequisite Courses

The number of courses and costs depends on college placement scores for Math and English.
Tuition and fees $ 400-1000
Books $ 50-200

First Term

Tuition and fees $ 2800
Books $ 600
Uniform $150
Medical Exam/Immunization $ 100-350
Liability Insurance $ 15
Picture ID $ 5
Radiation Monitoring Badge $ 275

Additional Radiation Monitoring Badge for Pregnancy  Cost will vary according to length of pregnancy
Drug Screen $ 45
Background Screen $ 27
Health Insurance    Cost will vary according to provider
CPR Certification    Cost will vary according to provider

Second Term

Tuition and fees $ 2700
Books $ 200

Third Term

Tuition and fees $ 2150
Books $ 250

Fourth Term

Tuition and fees $ 2700
Books $ 300

Fifth Term

Tuition and fees $ 2150
Books $ 200
Diploma fee $ 20
School Pin $ 40
Cap & Gown $ 70
ARRT application $ 225

TOTAL FOR ENTIRE PROGRAM   $15,000-$20,000

All cost is estimated and subject to change at any time. Updated January 2022