General Education Class List

Core Area I: Written Communication

ENG 101              English Composition I

ENG 102              English Composition II


Core Area II: Humanities and Fine Arts

ENG 251             American Literature I

ENG 252             American Literature II

ENG 261             English Literature I

ENG 262            English Literature II

ENG 271             World Literature I

ENG 272            World Literature II

ART 100              Art Appreciation

ART 203              Art History I

ART 204              Art History II

MUS 101              Music Appreciation

THR 120                Theatre Appreciation

REL 151                 Survey of the Old Testament

REL 152                 Survey of the New Testament Survey of the Old Testament

SPA 101                 Introductory Spanish I

SPA 102                 Introductory Spanish II

SPA 201                Intermediate Spanish I

SPA 202                 Intermediate Spanish II

SPH 106                Fundamentals of Oral Communication

SPH 107                Fundamentals of Public Speaking


Core Area III: Natural Sciences and Mathematics

Area III classes are covered by the STEM Scholarship


Core Area IV: History, Social, and Behavioral Sciences

HIS 101                  Western Civilization I

HIS 102                  Western Civilization II

HIS 121                  World History I

HIS 122                  World History II

HIS 201                  United States History I

HIS 202                  United States History II

ANT 200                 Introduction to Anthropology

ANT 220                 Cultural Anthropology

ANT 230                 Introduction to Archeology

ECO 231               Macroeconomics

ECO 232               Microeconomics

GEO 100               World Regional Geography

POL 211                American National Government

PSY 200                 General Psychology

PSY 210                 Human Growth and Development

SOC 200               Introduction to Sociology

SOC 210               Social Problems

SPH 116                Introduction to Interpersonal Communications


Core Area V: Additional Courses

ART 113                 Drawing I

ART 114                 Drawing II

ART 121                2-D Design

ART 127                 3-D Design

BUS 100                Introduction to Business

BUS 146                Personal Finance

BUS 241                Principles of Accounting I

BUS 242                Principles of Accounting II

BUS 263                The Legal and Social Environment of Business

BUS 271                Business Statistics I

BUS 272                Business Statistics II

HED 221                Personal Health

HED 222                Community Health

MCM 100              Introduction to Mass Communications

MCM 102              Writing for the Media

ORI 101                 Orientation to College (No description available)

ORI 110

SOC 247              Marriage and the Family

THR 131                Acting Techniques I


For more information on Jefferson State’s Alabama General Studies Committee (AGSC) approved courses, consult page 84-85 of the College Catalog.