PHY 115 Technical Physics
4 semester hours (Lec 3 hrs, Lab 2 hrs)
Prerequisite: MTH 100
Technical physics is a one-semester survey of physics using college algebra. Major topics include Newton’s laws of motion, work and energy, thermodynamics, waves and sound, and basic electricity. This course is for non-science majors pursuing a degree in a technical program. Laboratory is required. ASCI. Code-C. (S, Su)
PHY 201 General Physics I – Trig Based
4 semester hours (Lec 3 hrs, Lab 2 hrs)
Prerequisite: MTH 113 or equivalent
This course is designed to cover general physics using college algebra and basic trigonometry. Specific topics include kinematics, Newton’s laws of motion, conservation of momentum and energy, and the laws of thermodynamics. The contributions of physics to modern technology and society are considered. A laboratory is required. Core Area III. ASCI. Code-A (F, Sp)
PHY 202 General Physics II – Trig Based
4 semester hours (Lec 3 hrs, Lab 2 hrs)
Prerequisite: PHY 201
This continuation course is designed to cover general physics using college algebra and basic trigonometry. Specific topics include wave mechanics, electromagnetism, light, and optics. The contributions of physics to modern technology and society are considered. A laboratory is required. Core Area III. ASCI. Code-A (Sp, Su)
PHY 213S General Physics I—Calculus Based
4 semester hours (Lec 3 hrs, Lab 2 hrs)
Prerequisite: MTH 125S
This course is the first course in a two-part sequence of the calculus-based study of classical physics. Topics include kinematics, Newtonian Mechanics, the conservation of momentum and energy, and thermodynamics. Laboratory is required. Core Area III. ASCI. Code-A. (F, Sp, Su)
PHY 214S General Physics II—Calculus Based Delete Space between Lines
4 semester hours (Lec 3 hrs, Lab 2 hrs)
Prerequisite: PHY 213S
This course is the second course in a two-part sequence of the calculus-based study of classical physics. Topics include electromagnetism, light, and optics. Laboratory is required. Core Area III. ASCI. Code-A. (Sp, Su)
PHY 299 Directed Studies in Physics
1 semester hour
Prerequisite: Permission of instructor
This course is designed for independent study in specific areas of physics chosen by the student in consultation with a faculty member and carried out under faculty supervision. Code C. (on demand)