Jacob Davidson, JSCC’s Debate Team Captain, prepares for competition during the “Jimmie Jingle” IPDA Debate Tournament.
The Jefferson State Debate Team competed against 19 other schools in the virtual “Jimmie Jingle” IPDA Debate Tournament, hosted by The University of Jamestown on December 3-4.
Team members Emma Catanese, Blake Denney and Jacob Davidson competed in International Public Debate Association (IPDA) debate, which is an impromptu style of debate where the topic changes each round and students have 30 minutes to choose, research and prepare arguments for their position on the topic.
After six preliminary rounds of competition, Team Captain Jacob Davidson made it into elimination rounds with a 5-1 record. Davidson won octofinals, quarterfinals and semifinals on 3-0 decisions and won 2nd place overall in the Varsity Division.
For more information about the JSCC Debate Team, email Dr. Janice Ralya at [email protected].