Admission Requirements

AAS Program Admission Requirements

  1. Current valid apprenticeship with the state board of funeral service within the state that he or she plans to practice.
  2. Fifteen semester hours (25 quarter hours) of Funeral Service Education faculty approved English, math, speech, social science and humanities completed.

15 Semester Hours

  • ENG 101 – English Composition I – 3 hours
  • ENG 102 or SPH 106 or 107 English Composition II or Fund. of Oral Communication or Fund. of Public Speaking – 3 hours
  • MTH 100 Intermediate College Algebra or 116 Mathematical Applications or MTH Elective (AMTH) or higher level.
    Note: MTH 110 will not fulfill this requirement
  • PSY 200 or SOC 200 – General Psychology or Intro. to Sociology – 3 hours
  • Humanities Elective include art, (art, humanities, religion, theatre, music philosophy, intermediate foreign language, literature)

3. Minimum Grade of a “C” or higher on all prerequisite courses.

4. Minimum GPA of 2.5 on prerequisite courses.

5. Completion of the Work Keys Assessments with required minimum scores.

6. Submission of Application and documents by deadlines.

AAS Contracts

AAS Program Admission Requirements – Spring 2025 and beyond

Application Process (click to view)

Certificate Admission Requirements

(There will be no changes to the certificate requirements)

Funeral Directing ONLY

The completion of this certificate allows students to sit for state only examination for funeral directing. It is not accredited by the American Board of Funeral Service Education. The Funeral Service Education Program offers two certificates for Funeral Directing ONLY — 27 Hours Certificate and a 30 Hour Certificate. Students can enroll during the spring and fall semesters, both certificate options are offered via Distance Learning.

The completion of this certificate allows students to sit for state only examination for funeral directing. This academic program is designed to meet specific state or professional needs. It is not accredited by the American Board of Funeral Service Education. Students graduating from this program will not have the academic credential for licensure in states where graduation from an ABFSE accredited program is required.

Certificate Contracts


Admission Requirements for Certificate

  • Current valid state board of funeral service apprenticeship within the state that he or she plans to practice.
  • 6 semester hours (10-quarter hours) of an English 101 and a MTH Elective (AMTH) MTH 100 or 116 or higher-level math
  • All certificate program coursework must be completed within three semesters of initial enrollment.

To be eligible for a certificate, students must:

  • Current valid state board of funeral service apprenticeship within the state that he or she plans to practice.
  • 6 semester hours (10-quarter hours) of an English 101 and a MTH Elective (AMTH) MTH 100 or 116 or higher-level math
  • A grade of “C” or better is required in all courses with FSE prefix.
  • Have a minimum 2.00 grade point average in Jefferson State courses.