Cross Listing Request for Blackboard

Cross listing courses in Blackboard allows instructors to manage and update multiple course sections from one Blackboard course shell.  Typical uses are:

 * To combine multiple sections of the same course

* To combine Internet and traditional students in the same course

* To combine students enrolled in courses that are the same other than their naming (e.g. CRJ/SOC 208.)

 Cross-listing must be done before the first day of classes.  The cross-listing process erases all course data (emails, discussions, assignments, etc) and cannot be performed after students access their courses.

 Request Cross-Listing By Emailing Helpdesk

Email Address: [email protected]

Email Subject:  Crosslist Request

Email Body:  Please crosslist the following (ENG 101, MTH 100, PSY 200, …) courses

30123 – The first CRN listed should be the Bb shell that contains instruction content you want copied to the crosslisted course.




Go to the following link and create New Ticket:

Under Help Topics select Faculty Cross List.

Faculty Cross List image