Civil Rights Survey

Civil Rights Birmingham 1Civil Rights Movement/Birmingham Children’s March Survey

This year, the Shelby-Hoover Campus Chapter of Phi Theta Kappa is studying the Birmingham Children’s March of 1963. To assist us with our studies, please take a few moments to answer the following questions. All responses are anonymous. Thank you!

I am a:
My gender is:
My age group is:
I feel knowledgeable about Birmingham's role in the Civil Rights Movement.
I feel knowledgeable about social movements and nonviolence.
I feel knowledgeable about the Birmingham Children's March.
I would like to learn more about the Civil Rights Movement.
I believe that eliminating "separate but equal" facilities helped to combat racism.
I feel comfortable talking about topics involving race.
I believe that racism is less of a problem today than it was in the 1960s.
I believe that most people hold at least some prejudiced opinions.
I believe that schools should dedicate more time and resources to teaching about the Civil Rights Movement.
I believe that the Civil Rights Movement was successful.
I believe that Alabama is making progress towards achieving racial reconciliation.
I believe that I can make a difference when it comes to racial harmony in our state.