Humanities (HUM)
HUM 106 Humanities Through the Arts
3 semester hours
Prerequisite: None AHUM
This course is an integrated survey of film, drama, music, literature, painting, and sculpture, and architecture. (as needed)
HUM 298 Directed Studies in the Humanities
1-3 semester hours
Prerequisite: None AHUM
This course provides an opportunity for the student to study selected topics in the area of the humanities under the supervision of a qualified instructor. The specific topics will be determined by the interests of the students and faculty and the course may be repeated for credit. Currently courses are available in A. College Scholars (F, Sp, Su), B. Ambassadors, C. Concert Series (as needed), M. Movie Series (F, Sp, Su)
HUM 299 PTK Honors Course
1 semester hours
Prerequisite: None Core Area II, THUM
This course provides an opportunity for the student to study selected topics in the area of the humanities under the supervision of a qualified instructor. The specific topics will be determined by the interests of the students and faculty, and the course may be repeated for credit. Currently this course is available in S. PTK Honors Course II Service, P. PTK Honors Course I Leadership, and L. PTK Honors Course III Leadership.