Take a tour of World Famous Museums for International Education Week
International Museum Tours—Virtual
- Belvedere Museum—Austria— Middle Ages – Belvedere Museum Vienna | Middle Ages virtual
- British Museum—Egyptian Sculpture Rooms—London, England— British Museum, London, United Kingdom — Google Arts & Culture
- Musée d’Orsay—Paris, France Musée d’Orsay – A Virtual Tour – Joy of Museums Virtual Tours
- Hermitage Museum—St. Petersburg, Russia Virtual Visit (hermitagemuseum.org)
Tuesday November 16th
World Games: Impact on Birmingham
10am—Via Zoom
Come learn more about the World Games, what Birmingham had to do to get this world class event and more about what to expect in 2022.

Kathy Boswell
Presenters: Kathy Boswell and Katey Harris
Kathy Boswell serves as the Vice President of Community Engagement for The World
Games 2022, bringing more than 20 years of experience in community relations. Boswell oversees a number of key pro- grams, including the Live Healthy, Play Global education pro- gram, the World of Opportunity supplier diversity program and The World Games 2022 sustainability program. Kathy was born and raised in Birmingham and resides there with her hus- band and two children.
Katey Harris joins The World Games

Katey Harris
2022 as Community Experience Manager. She previously served as the Sports Services Coordinator for the Gulf South Conference, an NCAA DII conference. She received her Master’s degree in Sports Business Management in 2019, and her Bachelor’s degree in Marketing in 2017 from The University of Alabama. She is originally from Tuscaloosa, AL, and resides in Birmingham, AL.
Zoom Link: https://jeffersonstate.zoom.us/j/95618634976? pwd=aFFwcmQzNERLZ1RsQzhNazByTld4Zz09
Tuesday, November 16th
Korea and Alabama: A Long Standing Friendship
2pm—Via Zoom
Presenter: Meesoon Han, Executive Director, AKEEP

Presenter: Meesoon
Meesoon Han is Executive Director of the Alabama Korea Education and Economic Partnership (AKEEP). Born in Seoul, South Korea where she did private Engineering research and then transitioned to Computer Science after completing her degree at the University of Illinois Urbana- Champaign. With her experience in educa- tion, Han recognized a unique need for bridging communities in Alabama for educa- tional and economic prosperity leading to the establishment of the Alabama-Korea Education and Economic Partnership. Han is one of the few qualified multicultural diversity educators training local Alabamians and corporate leaders in understanding and overcoming cultural differences and sensitivities.
Zoom Link: https://jeffersonstate.zoom.us/j/92757101374? pwd=TEFHSElKSzdZL3JzOENYWjRlQmNUUT09
Thursday, November 18th Clanton Campus
Jefferson State Clanton Campus Annual Tailgate Celebration
Join Jeff State Clanton and International Week Committee as we celebrate Games Around the World Tailgate Style!
Games will be set up outside front entrance of the Clanton campus – weather permitting – beginning at noon. World Games Interactive posters will also be accessible to learn about games around the world! *outside = social distance friendly.
Questions, please contact [email protected]