BFN 100 Principles of Banking
2 semester hours
Prerequisite: None Code C
This course is an introduction to the broad area of banking. Topics include the evolution of banking, Federal Reserve System, documents and forms used, rudimentary laws and regulations, as well as a study of the specialized services offered. Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to perform basic banking functions. (F, W, Sp, Su)
BFN 101 Law and Banking: Principles
2 semester hours
Prerequisite: None Code C
This course is an introduction to banking law and legal issues, with special emphasis on the Uniform Commercial Code. Topics include the role of regulators, torts, contracts, real estate, bankruptcy, and the legal implications of consumer lending. Upon completion of the course, the student will be able to work with basic banking documents. (W, Su)
BFN 102 Law and Banking: Applications
2 semester hours
Prerequisite: None Code C
This course is an introduction to laws pertaining to secured transactions, letters of credit, the bank collection process, check losses and the legal issues related to processing checks. Topics include negotiable instruments, authorized signatures, collection routes, forgery and fraud, letters of credit and secured transactions. Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to work with more complex banking documents. (F, S)
BFN 110 Marketing for Bankers
2 semester hours
Prerequisite: None Code C
This course is an introduction to basic marketing principles and how a bank develops a successful marketing plan. Topics include consumer behavior, market research, the planning process, public relations, advertising, and sales promotion. Upon completion of this course, the student will have the skills to bring in new business. (W, Su)
BFN 136 Commercial Lending
2 semester hours
Prerequisite: None Code C
This course is an introduction to the commercial lending process and how it contributes to bank profitability. Topics include a history of commercial lending, skills needed to become a successful loan officer, steps in the commercial loan process, and trends impacting the commercial lending process. Upon completion of this course, the student will have the skills to perform the commercial lending function. (once yearly)
BFN 147 Consumer Lending
2 semester hours
Prerequisite: None Code C
This course provides an introduction to the consumer credit function. Topics include a history of the consumer credit function, products and services, the consumer lending process, and credit administration. Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to work in the area of consumer lending. (once yearly)
BFN 167 Supervision
2 semester hours
Prerequisite: None Code C
This course is designed to help new or potential supervisors become better managers. Topics include leadership, delegation, motivation, communication, the planning function, staffing, directing, and controlling. Upon completion of this course, the student will have the required skills to be a better manager. (F, Sp)
BFN 205 Money and Banking
3 semester hours
Prerequisite: None Code C
This course provides an introduction to the money supply and the role banks play in relation to money creation. Topics include financial intermediaries, the Federal Reserve, monetary policy, fiscal policy, and international banking. Upon completion of this course, the student will have the necessary skills to work in a variety of different departments within the bank. (F, Sp)
BFN 216 Understanding and Selling Bank Products
2 semester hours
Prerequisite: None Code C
This course is an introduction to selling the various products offered by a bank. Topics include needs and wants, the six basic human relations skills, attitude, listening, hearing, family life cycle, answering questions, how to close a sale, consumer credit reviews, and international banking. Upon completion of this course, the student will possess the necessary skills to effectively sell bank products. (as needed)
BFN 236 Analyzing Financial Statements
2 semester hours
Prerequisite: None Code C
This course is an elaboration of BFN 130. It provides an introduction of how financial data are generated and their limitations. Topics include techniques for analyzing the flow of business’s funds, methods for selecting and interpreting financial ratios, and analytical tools for predicting and testing assumptions about a firm’s future performance. Upon completion of this course, the student will have the necessary skills to work with financial statements. (as needed)
BFN 280 Real Estate Finance
2 semester hours
Prerequisite: None Code C
This course provides an introductory background to the varied real estate mortgage credits operations of commercial banks. Topics include legal, the residential lending process, mortgage market, fund flows, the role of the government in mortgage financing, and important aspects of income-producing real estate. Upon completion of this course, the student will have the necessary skills to work in this area. (as needed)