Peeling Back the Layers
Journalist Lawayne Childrey will read from his memoir, Peeling Back the Layers, which tells the true story of “a troubled black, gay youth in the Deep South [who]fights through addiction, a devastating diagnosis and despair to reach the heights of success in journalism”
(Press Release).
Childrey has received the Edward R. Murrow Award for Journalism and numerous awards from the Mississippi AP Broadcasters. He currently resides in Hermitage, TN, where he works as a national voice over artist, HIV/AIDS activist and motivational speaker.
Lawayne Childrey, Peeling Back the Layers
Monday, November 2
12:30-1:45 PM
Jefferson State Community College
Shelby Campus
Health & Sciences Bldg.
Multipurpose Room
Free & Open to All
Reception & Book Signing to Follow
Sponsored by JSCC, SKD English Honor Society & Sigma Chi Eta Speech Honor Society. Info: [email protected]