Jefferson State is excited to announce Pioneer Pack, a new course material delivery program that provides students access to required course materials in a convenient package before the first day of class. With this new program, all required course materials are included in the student’s tuition and fees at an average savings of 35-50 percent. Pioneer Pack will consist of a $24 per credit hour fee. This program will begin with the fall semester.
How It Works:
- Register for classes.
- One month before classes start, students will receive an email instructing them to review courses and choose how to receive materials.
- The bookstore will prepare students’ course materials in a convenient package.
- Students will receive an email notification when their order is ready for pickup at the bookstore or when it ships, depending on the selection.
- Students’ digital materials will be delivered within Blackboard.
- When a student’s courses are over, the bookstore will send them reminder emails to return rental course materials.
- There will be an opportunity to opt-out of this program each term. Students can opt-out of the program for spring semester beginning December 18, 2023 at the Pioneer Pack website. The final opt-out date for Spring semester will be January 16, 2024.
We are excited to offer students this convenient, affordable way of getting all their course materials. For more information about the program, visit Pioneer Pack.