Corequisite courses are one-semester alternatives to developmental English and math courses that can save qualified students $480 in tuition and fees and one semester of time and effort.
To qualify for the Corequisite English Composition, students must have one of the following as their highest English placement score.
- 17 on the ACT English subtest
- 2.75 high school graduating GPA and a “C” in high school English 4
- 4 on the ACCUPLACER* WritePlacer test
To qualify for the Corequisite Intermediate Algebra, students must have one of the following as their highest math placement score.
- 17 on the ACT Math subtest
- 2.75 high school graduating GPA and a “C” in high school Algebra 2 or Precalculus or Calculus
- 50-59 on the ACCUPLACER* Elementary Algebra test
To register or learn more, go to
*Jefferson State accepts the highest English or math placement score a student can provide. Scores must be less than 5 years old. If you cannot register for the math or English course you need for your degree based on your ACT scores or your high school transcript then you should take the ACCUPLACER test. Your first ACCUPLACER test is FREE and you have nothing to lose.