Conflict Resolution

Questions and concerns regarding accommodations and services for studentswho have a disability should be directed initially to the ADA Office.

At the beginning of each semester, students should give a copy of Form 4 to  the instructor of each class where accommodations need to be made. Students  and instructors will discuss the requested accommodations and sign Form 4.  The student will then return the signed form to the ADA Office and the  instructor will keep a copy. If an agreement cannot be reached, the student  should consult with the Department Chair or Program Coordinator. If an  agreement is still not obtained, the students should contact the ADA Office  to begin the steps in the conflict resolution.

Steps in Conflict Resolution

  1.  The ADA Director meets with the Department Chair or the  Program Coordinator. If an agreement is not reached with the  student, he or she may submit an appeal, in writing, to the  Associate Dean/Dean within three (3) working days of the decision of  the Department Chair or Program Coordinator.
  2.  The Associate Dean/Dean will review the student’s  information, may conduct further investigation as needed, and will  issue a decision to the student within five (5) working days of  receipt of the appeal. If the student disagrees with the decision,  the student may submit an appeal, in writing, to the Dean of  Instruction.
  3.  The Dean of Instruction will review the student’s  information, may conduct further investigation as needed, and will  issue a written decision to the student within five (5) working days  of receipt of the appeal. If the student disagrees with the  decision, the student may submit an appeal, in writing to the Vice  President.
  4. The Vice President of the College will review the student’s  information, may conduct further investigation as needed, and will  issue a written decision to the student within five (5) working days  of receipt of the appeal. If the student disagrees with the  decision, the student may submit an appeal, in writing to the  President.

The College will make every reasonable effort to address a student’s  concerns promptly to minimize the effect on course participation.

During the conflict resolution process, the student is entitled to  receive all accommodations recommended by the ADA Accommodations Office.  It is important that concerns are addressed promptly so that the  student’s participation in courses is not affected.