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Field Engineering – Free Program!
Hybrid Class (Online & In-Person Instruction)
May 24 – August 11, T/W/TH, 6:00 p.m. – 9:30 p.m.
St. Clair-Pell City Campus
Click Here To Register (Construction Experience Required)
Field engineers use technical expertise to solve problems and resolve issues related to equipment and systems. They work in different industries depending on their chosen field of engineering. Field Engineers’ primary goal is to improve overall efficiency and productivity in their workplace.
Welding – $899
M/W, May 23 – September 12, 6:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.
St. Clair-Pell City Campus
Click Here To Register
A welder can be a vital part of almost any construction job. Welders use specialized equipment to fuse together two or more pieces of metal using intense heat. Welders ensure the welded piece adheres to assembly and safety protocols. Certified welders can work as brazers, solderers or cutters and commonly work with infrastructures like bridges, highways and buildings.
Computer Technician with CompTIA A+ Certification Prep – $1199
Hybrid Class (Online & In-Person Instruction)
TU/TH, May 24 – October 13, 6:30 p.m. – 9:30 p.m.
St. Clair-Pell City Campus
Click Here To Register
A computer technician’s main responsibility is to identify, troubleshoot and solve computer-related issues. Computer technicians are experienced professionals who have knowledge of working with different kinds of tools that are vital in repairing and maintaining computers. They create, assemble, install and maintain both hardware and software installations on the computer. Computer technicians are also responsible for maintaining and improving network connections of computer systems.