Frequently Asked Questions
How do I apply to the nursing program?
Applying to the nursing program is a two-application process. An application to the college must be completed. Once college admission is granted, then an application to the nursing education program can be completed. See eligibility requirements for the nursing program.
How is my ranking score determined?
See the Nursing Application Checklist and Ranking Score for a detailed list of how the ranking score is calculated.
How will I know if I am accepted into the nursing program?
Application evaluations will not begin until after the application deadline. Once submitted, students will only be notified once admission decisions have been made. All applicants will receive an email regarding their admission status via email. Students are strongly encouraged to check their email multiple times each week following the application deadline. Once admitted, students will be given a reply to deadline to accept or decline their admission. Admission placement may be forfeited if this reply deadline is not met. Please do not call the Nursing Office or advisors to ask about status – just keep checking your emails!
How will I know if I’m not accepted into the nursing program?
All applicants, whether accepted or declined, will receive an email to you’re email account. Admission to the nursing education program is very competitive. Students are encouraged to work with the pre-program nursing advisors to determine how to make you more competitive for the next admission cycle
What are the nursing application deadlines?
Click here for dates, times and locations.
Do all campuses admit every semester?
No. See previous question for admissions schedules.
Do all non-nursing courses need to be completed before applying to the nursing program?
Only the UAB/JSCC Joint program option requires students to have completed ALL general education courses prior to semester admitted. The traditional programs (including the Evening nursing program) allows select courses to be take concurrently with nursing courses.
How many students are accepted into the program each year?
The Nursing program accepts approximately 450 students across all locations. This is subject to change based upon resources and clinical placement opportunities.
How many points do I need to get into the program?
There is a total of 58 possible points. Each semester admission is based on the pool of applicants; therefore, some semesters are more competitive than others. If you are not accepted in one semester, we encourage you to apply again.
What is the ACT residual?
The ACT residual is the same test as the national ACT. The results are expedited to meet admission deadlines. We accept ACT residual results from all Alabama community colleges.
How often can I take the ACT?
The ACT (national or residual) test can be taken every 60 days and only by appointment. You can contact the Testing Office on the Jefferson Campus at (205) 856-7896 or at the Shelby Campus at (205) 983-5276 to make an appointment.
Do I have to take the ACT if I already have a degree?
All applicants MUST take the ACT. The ACT represents a large portion of admission ranking.
I already have a degree and I want to know what will transfer?
All college transcripts should be sent to the Enrollment Services department for evaluation.
Can I continue to work full-time and be in the nursing program?
While the nursing program does not restrict students from working, we strongly encourage students to consider the substantial amount of time it will take to complete all nursing course assignments. Schedules are also impacted by family and other “life” responsibilities. Successful completion of the nursing program requires attendance for lecture, lab, and clinical assignments. Having to work is not an excused absence for a required nursing activity or assignment. Work hours have been one of the major concerns for students who have been unsuccessful in the nursing program. Careful consideration should be given to work versus school. Depending on your work schedule, students should carefully consider whether to apply to a day program or our evening program options.
The meeting times and days for the evening program vary throughout each semester. Students should plan on being available in the evenings Monday through Friday for lecture/lab. In addition, students are required to complete clinical experiences occurring anywhere in the central Alabama vicinity and should plan to be available Monday through Sunday for clinical assignments. Clinical assignments may occur during days, evenings, or weekends. Certain clinical dates for the evening program will require participation outside of the evening/weekend hours.
Can I transfer nursing courses that I have already taken at another school, or do I have to start over?
Transfer options will go through Dr. Anita Naramore, our Associate Dean of Nursing. Call (205) 856-6028 or email [email protected] for an appointment. Please bring transcripts to your appointment in a sealed envelope or have your official transcripts sent to Enrollment Services and request an evaluation to be done.
Can I take more nursing courses than what is outlined in the curriculum since I have completed my prerequisites?
The published five semester nursing curriculum is mandated by the State of Alabama and must be followed as specified.
Does Jefferson State offer the LPN program or the LPN Mobility program?
JSCC does not currently offer programs such as LPN or LPN Mobility.
Does Jefferson State offer the Medication Administration Assistant program?
The Administrative Medical Assistant program is now offered at Jefferson State through Fast-Track/Workforce Development. – Click here for details Administrative Medical Assistant
When are the “Are You Ready for Nursing” sessions scheduled?
Approximately 4-6 AUR sessions are scheduled during fall and spring semesters. Dates will be posted on the website. Attending an AUR session will provide you with one ranking point for admission. Click Here for More Information